Environment and Sustainability Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
Thursday, 17 July 2014


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Alun Davidson
Committee Clerk

029 2089 8639






Informal pre-meeting (09:20 - 09:30)



1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2    Inquiry into Recycling in Wales: Evidence from the Chartered Institute of Wastes Management (09:30 - 10:10) (Pages 1 - 16)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 1 : Chartered Institute of Wastes Management


Rebecca Colley-Jones, Chair, CIWM Cymru Wales Centre

Steve Lee, Chief Executive



3    Inquiry into recycling in Wales: Evidence from the Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee and Waste Awareness Wales (10:10 - 10:50) (Pages 17 - 18)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 2 : Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee


Lee Marshall, Chief Executive, LARAC

Craig Mitchell, Head of Waste Support, Waste Awareness Wales

Dan Finch, National Campaigns Manager, Waste Awareness Wales



Break (10:50 - 11:00)



4    Inquiry into recycling in Wales: Evidence from WRAP Cymru and Eunomia (11:00 - 11:30) (Pages 19 - 29)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 3 : Wrap Cymru

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 4 : Eunomia


Marcus Gover, Director for Wales, WRAP Cymru

Dr Dominic Hogg, Chairman, Eunomia



Break (11:30 - 11:40)



5    Inquiry into recycling in Wales: Evidence from Bryson Recycling (11:40 - 12:15) (Pages 30 - 33)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 5 : Bryson Recycling


Eric Randall, Director



6    Papers to note 




Inquiry into the public forestry estate in Wales: Further Information from Natural Resources Wales  (Pages 34 - 38)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 6




Inquiry into the public forestry estate in Wales: Further information from Confor  (Pages 39 - 40)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 7




Biodiversity: Further information from RSPB  (Page 41)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 8




Letter from Minister for Economy, Science and Transport: Royal Welsh Show 2014  (Page 42)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 9




7    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for items 8 to 11 



Break (12:15 - 13:15)



8    The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill: Scope and approach to the Committee's Stage 1 scrutiny (13:15 - 13:45) (Pages 43 - 81)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 10



9    Forward Work Programme (13:45 - 14:15) (Pages 82 - 85)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 11



10Inquiry into the Welsh Government’s proposals for the M4 around Newport: Consideration of draft report (14:15 - 14:30) (Pages 86 - 96)



11Infrastructure Bill LCM (14:30 - 14:45) (Pages 97 - 109)

E&S(4)-19-14 paper 12
